The Last Olympian, written by Rick Riordan, is a fantasy-adventure story. The battle between the Titan Army and the Olympians is full of action. This final battle will determine who has control over Olympus and the human world. The plot of the book revolves around the great prophecy which then determines what will happen at the end of the series. The action in the story is both physical and emotional. During the physical battle we learn that Percy will risk his life to save a place where people do not like him at all. This reveals that he is a brave, sacrificial, person. Even though these people hate him, he would rather live in a world where some of the Gods like him instead of living with his enemies, the Titans.
The action in the story is not realistic. It could not happen in real life because there are not Greek Gods and Titans on Earth. It wasn't extremely believable to me but at times it somewhat seemed believable. For example, the parts of the story which were not about battles could have been real.
Rick Riordan adds dramatic scenes, such as the fourth battle. There is a lot of tension because at times it seems that the Protagonist can not win. It doesn't bother me but it makes me want to read on.
I can imagine myself as Percy Jackson a bit. He goes on adventures and I like to read about adventures. I would have acted differently than Percy in the novel. I might have hung out in a safer place and let the half-bloods take care of their own problems.
The story happens in New York, NY. The book does not have a specific time. It is more of a 21st century book. The action could take place virtually anywhere else with some changes.
I learned that it was a satisfying book but I didn't really learn anything new about myself or the world because it is full of fantasy.
An action/adventure book could be written differently than other books. For example, Twilight uses romantic words, characters, and plots. The Last Olympian uses more action words and excitement. In chapter 6, page 105, it says, "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM which… meant a SWAT team was breaking down the door…
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